When I arrived at the Morgan’s house for their session, I was prepared for chaos – I mean, these guys have three kids under three-years-old! But there was no chaos. There was Charlie. He was patiently waiting for me in the front window with a HUGE smile on his face and his furry sidekick, Weasley. You’d be hard-pressed to find a sweeter kid than Charlie. On top of being absolutely adorable with his cute little glasses and big-kid haircut, he’s so incredibly gentle and dotes on his twin little siblings, Erin and Henry. The twins had just gotten up from napping when I arrived, so as Charlie showed me his train table and play-doh, Kara and Matt got them up and ready to hang out…and they didn’t make a peep. Cute as can be and super relaxed, Erin and Henry hung out in their baby seats, did some tummy time, and got lots of snuggling. After Charlie showed me Matt’s awesome workshop and all the cool tools he gets to use when helping his dad, we all settled into the living room to watch some of their favorite show (PBS’s “Rough Cut: Woodworking with Tommy Mac” – which is a live-action woodworking show, not a kids’ program – coolest thing ever!). Everyone snuggled up together to watch and I felt like I really got to see what a Saturday morning is like in their house. It was so cozy and full of warmth and togetherness. Now, I’m sure that there’s moments in this house where its a bit crazy, as there are in any house, but from what I got to see that morning about Matt and Kara, I image that they take it in stride with their easy-going nature and sense of humor. Thank you for inviting me to share your morning with you all! I had a wonderful time!
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