This darling family lives just down the road from us, but we only just met on Halloween this year when mom, Carrie, and sweet little Lou stopped by to take a tour of our vintage camper that’s been living in our driveway for the last 6 months. Carrie, Lou, and I bonded instantly, and I can’t believe that we’ve lived a stone’s throw away from each other for all these years without meeting. After rounding out the family by meeting dad, Dave, a couple weeks later, I was more than thrilled to have them all out to the tree farm for a classic snowy winter morning. I had such a wonderful time chasing them around as they dashed in and out of the trees with their perfect vintage sled. Lou had a blast being pulled all around the farm on it, with snow being thrown all about in their paths. The love that this family shares for each other was so apparent during our session. They just all adore each other to bits. Little Lou is so darn adorable, with a smile that hardly ever left his face during our entire time together. Thank you all so much for joining me out at the farm. I am so glad to have you as neighbors and new friends!!
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